Thursday, March 08, 2012

Update on the Cryx Battle box

So I have been slowly chipping away at that Cryx battle box(actually A bad term to use for painting, since chipping is the last thing I want).

Here you can see all 5 models, not particularly in focus.
Family portrait.

Here is a close up of Deneghra's cloak as I start blending up from Cryx Bane Base to to the Highlight and maybe a little brighter (although I am not there yet).
Actually that bone jack looks better in teh picture than in real life...

As I have had a mental block in painting the Slayer, I have been going back and starting some of the foundation work for the bases (get the pun, foundations, bases, I am so ...ummmm lame).

I used piece of square Acrylic sheet (or plasticard if you will) to make blocks, and then for the Slayer, glued them all together to make a platform.  The end goal is hopefully going to approximate weather white marble.  Maybe not, but here is where I am at half way done.

Please turn to the left.


Reece said...

The blue on those dog lookin guys is looking nice.

Bryce said...

thanks, they aren't quite that rich of a blue in person, but now that that camera showed me what it would look like to up it a notch, I think I will.