Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Warmachine Finished Models

Warmachine Miniatures

I am actually pretty good about finishing model from Privateer Press. I guess something about starting a new game system allowed me to be more disciplined about completing those projects.

Cygnar:  Somehow, I ended up with a Cygnar Battlebox and had it sit in the basement for years.  One day I decided I need yet another painting project.  After about a year, I actually finished the whole thing.

Cygnar Ironclad Heavy Warjack

I really liked how this guy turned out.  He was the first model I finished, based and varnished in years.

Cygnar Charger Light Warjack

Cygnar Lancer Light Warjack

Coleman Striker, Cygnar Warcaster

This Coleman Striker model doesn't look like much zoomed in that close, but at arms length looks really nice.  I would say he is better than the so called "Tabletop Quality", but I will agree the face is a little lacking.  He was more an experiment playing with mud and pure white.

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