Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Glowing Chickens and a not yet dead chick...

So I have slowly been puttering away at my Cryx battlebox.  Are they awesome, not hardly. In fact now that I am looking at them under a harsh flash, they look terrible (actually I am running the flash through a diffuser box, but anyway).  One sure way to ruin your self esteem in the painting world is take up close photography.  Maybe I'll do a post on the pro and cons of self photo critique later.  What looks to the normal eye to be a decent start on blending looks like sports black or a watery paint mishap.  However the lighting int eh basement is so bad (and yellow tinged) the flash works well enough until I get out the light box, and have a little more control the photography.  I have a hunch, it will still look terrible though.

Here is the group currently.
Denny is all her unfinished glory.
I play football.
Seriously though, this Stalker is only in the beginning phases of highlighting and blending.  The massive blue blotches on the head are barely visible to the human eye.

Here are the orange painted and green inked ones.  I have started the highlighting  and some of the touch ups.

Amd here is the orange inked bad boy.  I am not really happy with how he turned out though.  Since I had to mix custom orange from red and yellow, I didn't really get the color I wanted.  Inks when concentrated look nothing like what they turn out to be spread on white paint.

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