Tuesday, February 28, 2012

FoW: 3rd Infantry Division

So being too weak to actually paint or build models (that second Heavy Gear: Blitz! Grizzly with the broken leg is giving me fits), I decided to photograph where my 3ID is currently (Army, not Marines for those not into Flames of War).  With the release of a new rule set, hopefully I'll get a chance to play.  In the near future, as local gamers whine, waffle and wait for 40K 6th Ed.

M2A1 105mm Howitzers Field Artillery Battery
So the 105s are one of the thinks that make a US Rifle Company really work.  Why?  They lay smoke, and smoke hides infantry!  In 2nd edition, this was really important, in 3rd, we'll see if the importance lessened any by how much easier it is to stay gone to ground and concealed.  Additionally, now that moving artillery isn't so painful, maybe that will happen too.

One team on front view
A different team on rear view.

M1 57mm Anti-Tank Platoon
These guys seem to be overly hated by German armored cars and Panzer IIIs.  I mean, they only 1/2 the time and cost 100pts.  Oh, ya... obligatory 4 bazooka teams not shown...
Nice impression of the # ID patch on the shoulder.  Light Grey with Blue liner pen.

Weapons Platoon
These guys shoot a lot.  Sadly the M2 60mm mortar does not fire a smoke round.  I do believe those M1017 HMGs get better in the new version though.  I never really had them do much.  Being able to shoot over my own units should help a ton.

Sample of my infantry teams

Proof that GW Badab is truly, liquid talent.
I play an Infantry Company so I have lots of these buggers.

And here are some shoots of what I have done, what is started, and then what may never make it out of the box.

Here is everything I have completely painted and sealed.  Handy little force for fun games.

Here is the work in progress.  Those big guys in the back never actually entered production in the real war.  I hear they made it into World of Tanks.

And everything else... Close ups of the stack below.
And here you can see what I exactly all that other "stuff is... Mostly stuff for Late War, since well US Infantry doesn't get any better.

I like to stack things, it makes my laziness feel more organized.
And blisters, Oh My!

1 comment:

Reece said...

A bunch down, a bunch more to go.