Monday, December 07, 2009

Project of the Year

So that whole Christmas, New Year's, time of reflection and planning thing is starting to set in again.  While the Skorne seriously kicked me in the teeth as far as scheduling went, this blog has been pretty good about keeping me working towards a goal.  I am painting models that have been laying around forever (trust me, eight models of any quality in two months is a big deal, particularly when Thanksgiving is factored in).  I am already figuring out what my next few sets of weekly projects will be (mostly stuff already on my bench off it).

This led me to thinking of a Goal of the Year.  Something grandiose, but still attainable.  Something, like my original Shadowsword, that will push me, but not rush me.  Something I know is within my skill level, but at the very edge.  Something that I can not only be proud of, but will also get seen and encourage other people.

I used to help make a Games Day table for Big Gunz  DC.  I love large scale projects and planning.  I love teaching youth and catching their hearts and imaginations on fire.  I have been mulling over some ideas recently and here are the options I am looking at with pros and cons. 

Here is what I have come up with so far:

ForgeWorld Warhammer Fantasy Fire Drake (occasionally referred to as the FW Emperor Dragon):  Some avid games don't even know the thing exists.

1.) I already own it.
2.) It is absolutely gorgeous in a weird draconic way.
3.) Clearly within my skill level, but doing it justice will take everything I have.
4.) Large base size means it will have serious scenic/terrain element possibilities.

1.) Odds are it will never leave my basement.
2.) Odds are it will never be seen in person by more than a half dozen people (although it would obvious get photographed and posted here ad nauseum).
3.) It will never get used for anything other than a show piece.

ForgeWorld Death Korps of Krieg Super Heavy Battalion:  I have actually used it for Apocalypse games in its unfinished state.  Building all the tanks was actually Project of the Week number 1.  My Super Heavy Battalion is rather large. 5 Baneblade chassis, 5 Macharius chassis, 1 Minotaur, 8 Leman Russ chassis, 3 Chimera chassis, 3 drop Sentinels, and Thunderbolt Heavy Fighter.  Oh, and some supporting infantry.

1.) It is already started and I know exactly how do complete it (even have a finished prototype)
2.) It has left the basement and seen LGS play already, in a limited scale.  It will again.
3.) Everyone, including myself, loves DKoK.

1.) While easy to do in chunks, those repetitive chunks might wear on me.
2.) I plan to do a large number of smaller Flames of War projects, and might go into tank overload.

Loyalist Terminators (7-10 squads from different chapters):  I have tons of Terminators.  I've got all the FW shoulder pads, two copies of Space Hulk, new Space Wolves plastics and the old FW Space Wolf Torsos.  If wanted to go overboard, I even have the matching FW dreadnoughts where applicable (or even Land Raiders).  Imperial Armor VIII is Raven Guard, so there will certainly be a Raven Guard Dread and terminator set (even if it is just shoulder pads).  Space Wolves get their dreadnought early next year.

1.)  I already have most of the models.
2.)  Terminators are fairly easy to paint, and I prefer closed helm versions.  I have painted Terminators and know what I am doing so that I could do quality work on one squad a month or so.
3.)  A chance to paint models in pre-defined schemes across a variety of palettes.  More of a technical challenge than an artistic challenge.
4.)  If done well enough, I can probably sell them at cost in chapter chunks (never above cost, I like my status as an amateur).

1.)  70 plus models when factoring in making some leader types.
2.)  Like the tanks, I might just get tired mid way through squad 5.

The Battle at Weathertop: GW is re-releasing the 16" diameter FW model for the Battle of Weathertop from The Fellowship of the Ring.  Some of us have seen the smaller 1/2 ruined piece in GW stores.  This is the full piece, near identical to the movie set.

1.)  I get to buy limited release Forge World and I already own the LotR boxed set for the battle with Aragorn, hobbits and Ringwraiths.
2.)  It is a terrain piece usable in many games.
3.)  Ideal for small scenarios games with my Youth Ministry work over the summer.
4.)  Potential to take to Games Day if my club every does that again for a club type table.

1.)  What do I do with a 16"x 16" chunk of terrain when I am done?  It is getting kind full under the pool table.

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